محتويات كتاب اللغة الانجليزية للصف الخامس الفصل الدراسي الاول

محتويات كتاب اللغة الانجليزية للصف الخامس الفصل الدراسي الاول لمنهج سلطنة عمان
Learning Outcomes for Grade 5A
Welcome Back to English
Kids Like Us
Growing Up
Going Places
Learning Outcomes for Grade 5A
UNIT 1 Welcome Back to English
can make Introductions
can talk about things you like and don’t like doing
can read and understand descriptions of past events
can understand and follow classroom Instructions
can listen for general information about past events can use the simple past tense
can spell regular and Irregular past tense verbs
can write about things that happened in the past
can make a dictionary page
*can differentiate between past verb ending sounds
Unit 2 Kids Like Us
can talk about likes and dislikes
can read and understand descriptions and emails can understand and tell the time
can talk about daily activities and routines
can listen for general information about daily routines
can listen for specific information about time
can write a description about daily routines
can plan and do a survey
can spell plural nouns correctly
can pronounce the endings of plural nouns correctly
Unit 3 Growing Up
can talk about life cycles
can talk about ability using ‘can’ and ‘can’t
can read and understand tactual information about life cycles can listen for general and specific information about abilities
can use time sequence words (first, next, then, finally) can do a survey about abilities
can write a paragraph about what you do after school
can spell plural nouns correctly
can research and write about an Omani animal can recognise short and long ‘a’ sounds in words
Unit 4 Going Places
can read and understand factual information can make suggestions
can accept or refuse suggestions
can listen for general information and specific
information about tourist activities
can talk about activities for tourists
can recognise proper nouns
can write a paragraph about a place in Oman can design a website page
can spell words with double letters
can recognise short and long ‘oo’ sounds in words
Unit 5 Friendship
can talk about how friends behave
can categorise adjectives
can read and understand stories about friendship
can understand and use question words
can listen for general Information about friendship can listen for specific information about friendship
can write a paragraph about a friend
can correct errors in writing
can make a poster about friendship rules can understand the use of syllables
شاهد ايضا
محتويات كتاب مادة اللغة العربية للصف الخامس الفصل الدراسي الاول
محتويات كتاب التربية الاسلامية ديني قيمي للصف الخامس الفصل الدراسي الاول
جميع كتب الصف الرابع البوابة التعليمية لمناهج سلطنة عمان
محتويات كتب الصف الرابع الفصل الدراسي الاول لمناهج سلطنة عمان
جميع كتب الصف الثالث البوابة التعليمية لمناهج سلطنة عمان
محتويات كتب الصف الثالث الفصل الدراسي الاول لمنهج سلطنة عمان
محتويات كتب الصف الثاني الفصل الدراسي الاول لمناهج سلطنة عمان
جميع كتب الصف الثاني الاساسي البوابة التعليمية لمناهج سلطنة عمان
كتب الصف الاول البوابة التعليمية لمناهج سلطنة عمان
محتويات كتب الصف الاول لمنهج سلطنة عمان