نقدم لكم برزنتيشن عن وادي مستل باللغة الانجليزية للصف الثاني عشر لمنهج سلطنة عمان
The village of Wakan :
The village of Wakan is at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level in Wadi Mastal in the Wilayat of Nakhl in the South Al Batinah Governorate, 150 km from Muscat. The road leading to the village passes through a number of valleys, and access to the village requires the use of four-wheel drive vehicles.
This area is characterized by moderate temperatures in summer and low in winter, and many agricultural terraces are spread in the village, where you find many fruit trees such as: grapes, pomegranates, and apricots, in addition to some legumes.
At its entrance, the village contains an information and reception center for visitors, and a pedestrian path of a distance of one kilometer and one hundred meters has been established, consisting of 700 ascending steps to the top. A rest stop overlooks the village and the terraces, and the falaj descending from the top of the village passes towards the agricultural terraces by this road. Natural components were used in building the road, and there is a mountain path linking the village to the Green Mountain for those who love hiking.
The most appropriate time to visit a village was from the middle of May to the end of August, as this period is considered the season for harvesting fruits in the village, especially the apricot fruits, which are usually harvested in June of each year.
The fruits that are grown in the village of Wakan are: apricots, grapes, pomegranates, lemons, palms, flowers and some mountain herbs that are used in traditional medicine.